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Nov 02, 2022

Smart Home Appliances and Why You Need Them in Your Baltimore Home!

If you're like most people, you probably view your home as a place to relax and unwind after a long day of work. But what if your home could help you take care of some of the errands and tasks you need to do every day?
With smart appliances, this is now possible. In this post, we'll discuss what smart appliances are and give you some examples of how they can make your life easier. Stay tuned for more tips on how to make your home smarter!

What are smart appliances, and how do they work?

Smart appliances are considered the future of home living. Smart appliances refer to any appliance that can connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
Smart appliances are essentially the same as regular appliances. They have the same functions, are controlled by similar mechanisms, and use electricity the same way as older models.
The only difference is that smart appliances come equipped with a little microchip that allows them to communicate with your computer or phone.

How do smart appliances communicate?

Older models have remotes that allow them to send messages directly to the appliance. However, most people find it more convenient to control home appliances with smartphones over an app.
Using an app on your phone gives you many of the same options as a remote; however, you can also use your phone to send tasks or check food inventory.

What are the benefits of using smart appliances?

Smart appliances have several different perks, including:

  • The ability to automate everyday tasks
  • Remote access from anywhere in your home or outside
  • Convenient cooking options include turning on your oven before you arrive home from work or sending a text message when it's time for dinner to be ready.

All these features come together for truly amazing results. For example, say you're at work in Towson and realize that you need to pick up your child from school because the bus is arriving late. With rush hour Baltimore traffic you don't have time to make it back to your home in Fells Point before the bus. Well you don't need to rush home if smart appliances are in control! You tell your phone to let the smart oven know that you'll be arriving late, and it will turn off when it's finished the cooking cycle.
Let's say you want to serve homemade pie for dessert; this might take hours to complete without smart appliances. But with smart appliances doing most of the work for you, all you need to do is pop the pie in the oven once everything else has been prepared, and wait for the notification that your pie is already done.

How to choose the right smart appliance for your home?

Choosing the best smart appliances for your home can be overwhelming, so here are some helpful tips.
Suppose you're just getting started with smart appliances. In that case, it might be best to choose one appliance at a time so that you can get used to how everything works without being too overwhelmed.
Once you've chosen your first appliance and understand the basics of how the system operates, it's easier to move on to adding more appliances. You can either add them yourself or hire an electrician to help with your home wiring and install new appliances for you.
However, we don't recommend installing smart appliances yourself unless you're experienced in electrical work and confident that your skills will allow for a successful installation.
It's important to think about what tasks would make your life easier if automated. For instance, if you want to master "baking from scratch" as a skill, it might be helpful to start with a smart oven as your first appliance.
In general, you should choose appliances that match your lifestyle. Do you cook during the week more often than on the weekends? If so, you're better off investing in an appliance that will save you time throughout the week, such as setting up meal reminders or getting help with cooking for large groups of people.
Does dinner time take forever because you struggle to control your oven to your liking? A smart oven may improve this experience by sending alerts when food is finished cooking and reminding everyone involved when it's time to eat!
While smart appliances still aren't quite mainstream yet, they continue to gain traction and popularity. It's also important to note that many smart appliances will work perfectly fine even if they're not connected to your home network; however, we recommend always having a backup plan in case of an internet outage. Talk to your 
local appliance repair technician if you experience any issues with these smart appliances

What is the cost of owning a smart appliance?

Of course, smart appliances are not the same as regular ones in regards to price. While regular appliances are very affordable, smart appliances tend to be a bit pricier because of their technology.
However, it's important to think about what you can afford before making your final decision. If you are starting with smart home products, you may want to try to buy one or two appliances at a time so that you get accustomed to everything rather than buying them all at once.
Here are some helpful questions for determining how much money is reasonable for you to spend on smart appliance upgrades:
Can I make do without this purchase? Will my life improve if I make this upgrade? This is perhaps the easiest question but also the most valuable since asking yourself these things will prevent potential regret down the line. For example, many people enjoy the convenience of a smart oven. Still, its price may outweigh how often they use it.
Does this upgrade have a chance to improve my daily routine noticeably? Suppose you're adding appliances purely for novelty's sake. In that case, it might be best not to make an additional purchase until one or more regular appliances require replacement due to wear and tear. However, if the appliance will truly simplify your life in some way, then it's worth spending extra on a new product.
Is this upgrade worth the long-term costs? Investing in higher-quality products may cause them to last longer and therefore end up saving you money in the long run; however, this is only true if you think about each product as a long-term investment rather than a temporary purchase. For example, if you plan to upgrade your appliances every few years anyway, buying the cheaper version may be the better way to go.
Do I need any extra tools or accessories? Suppose you're only interested in basic functions and would rather not spend more than necessary. In that case, it's best to find an appliance that matches your needs. Sometimes, advanced features require additional purchases for everything to work properly.
What are brands available in my price range? If you intend to stick with certain brands no matter what, this can help narrow down your search further so that you don't waste time pursuing products out of your budget range.
Frequently, product lines tend to differ between brands; therefore, focusing on a particular brand may allow you to find a budget-friendly product that matches your household needs.
How will this appliance work with others? It's important to consider how each new purchase will affect the rest of your appliances and tech products.
For example, suppose you want smart light bulbs and extendable lighting rods. In that case, you'll need to factor in both purchases when determining how much money is reasonable for investment.

Smart appliance FAQs

How do smart appliances work?

Smart appliances connect to your home network using built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capabilities. Then, this connection allows these appliances to receive new software and settings through a routine update automatically. This is just one of the many ways smart products become smarter as more time passes!

Why should I buy a smart appliance?

There are many reasons for wanting a smart appliance in your home. For starters, some people want their appliances connected to turn them on remotely from their smartphones.
Other times, it's important for products to communicate with each other so that everything operates smoothly as part of an automated system. In some cases, the best reason may be because you have some extra money and want to improve your home!

Is there any downside to owning a smart appliance?

There are some benefits to buying a smart appliance instead of sticking with old-fashioned models. Besides saving time by automatically adjusting settings as needed, many appliances also allow users more control over specific features than dumb products. For example, smart ovens can provide more accurate results than traditional appliances when calibrated properly. Maintenance can also be a bit tricky on a smart appliance. For example normal refrigerator troubleshooting methods may not work

Can I add a smart appliance to an existing home network?

Most of the time, it should be possible to add a new appliance to your home network if your wireless router is powerful enough. Many users have multiple appliances that share Wi-Fi signals without any trouble!
However, you'll want to do a little research before making this type of upgrade just in case there are restrictions on certain models. If you're unsure about whether or not a new product will work with your current system after reading its specifications and features, then contact the customer service department directly for confirmation instead of trying it out and potentially causing problems later on.


Indeed, smart appliances can make our lives easier, thanks to today's technological advances. Even though this product category has come a long way since its inception, there are still some limitations. It's impossible to find the perfect smart home appliance, so use these suggestions to narrow down your options and find what you need.

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